Extracurricular activities – Sciences
Welcome to the the extracurricular activities hub within the Department of Sciences at TAV College, Montreal. On this page, you will find information regarding the research, activities, and projects that occur at TAV.
What are the advantages of extracurricular activities?
Many students worry that participating in extracurricular activities may have a negative effect on their school performance. Contrary to this belief, such activities actually help you perform better, academically. Hers’s how:
You will develop valuable, life-long skills, such as:
- Goal setting
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- Task prioritization
- Analytical/critical thinking
- Problem-solving
Consider your goals after your pre-university program
Like it or not, life is competitive. Gaining skills and immersing yourself in experiences is a strong method for ensuring a successful future. In getting involved in extracurricular activities, you have the opportunity to explore a range of interests and broaden your perspectives, which helps you in choosing your university major. Additionally, extracurricular experiences are a strong asset to have on your application for admission to universities and/or job applications.
Extracurricular activities in the department of sciences
Students are highly encouraged to take part in the following activities:
- Research
- Science competitions
- Clubs
Our science department is actively involved in cutting-edge research, in collaboration with well-known universities. We take pride in providing an environment that fosters knowledge and encourages students to participate in world-class research. The department is currently in collaboration with McGill University and Polytechnique Montréal for two research projects.
3D bioprinting (McGill University)
In collaboration with Professor Derek Rosenzweig at the department of experimental surgery, we explore the 3D printed bioactive scaffolds with potential applications in drug delivery and bone replacement. The project involves the design and 3D printing of the scaffolds, as well as Containment Level 2 (CL2) microbiology work.
Nanoelectronic devices (Polytechnique Montréal)
In collaboration with Professor Oussama Moutanabbir at the department of engineering physics, we explore hybrid semiconductor/graphene materials at the nanoscale for applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices.
Depending on the research project, internal and external scholarships may be available. Check this webpage often for calls for applications and/or speak with your program coordinator to inquire about research, funding, and scholarship.
Science competitions
All Science and Springboard to DEC students are encouraged to compete in four (4) annual competitions in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. The top-ranked students will be awarded scholarships and will represent TAV College at national competitions. Preparation classes will be offered prior to the national competitions.
For further information regarding the national competitions, please consult the links below:
The Department of Science at TAV currently offers two (2) clubs: the Robotics Club and the 3D Printing Club.
Registration for clubs occur at the beginning of each semester in the main lobby of building A. You must register to become a member in order to use the club facilities.
The Robotics club
In this club, students work together on advanced robotics projects, ranging from drone programming to building automated robots. You will learn the fundamentals of circuits, programming, and blueprint design.
Registration for clubs occur at the beginning of each semester in the main lobby of building A. You must register to become a member in order to use the club facilities.
The 3D printing club
Joining this club provides an excellent opportunity to be introduced to the new and emerging technology of 3D printing. Students learn to model, slice, and print their own projects using a variety of materials and printers.
The 3D printing club accommodates all levels of interest whether it be printing components for complex mechanical designs or designing 3D art projects. TAV College also provides access to the 3D printing room for all students and provides technical support for those who lack the experience to print their own projects.
Registration for clubs occur at the beginning of each semester in the main lobby of building A. You must register to become a member in order to use the club facilities.
Science news and announcements
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Updated: July 20, 2022