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Noter :

Cette grille de cours présente le plan de progression scolaire pour l’option bilingue de ce programme.

Session 1



Description du cours :

Expliquer les représentations du monde contenues dans des textes littéraires d’époques et de genres variés.

Éléments de la compétence :

  • Reconnaître le traitement d’un thème dans un texte.
  • Situer le texte dans son contexte culturel et sociohistorique.
  • Dégager les rapports entre le réel, le langage et l’imaginaire.
  • Élaborer un plan de dissertation.
  • Rédiger une dissertation explicative.
  • Réviser et corriger le texte.



Description du cours :

Traiter d’une question philosophique.

Éléments de la compétence :

  • Distinguer la philosophie des autres discours sur la réalité.
  • Présenter la contribution de philosophes de la tradition gréco-latine au traitement de questions.
  • Produire une argumentation sur une question philosophique.


604-100-MQ - English As A Second Language (Level I)

Course Description :

To understand and express simple messages in English.

Elements of the final evaluation :

  • To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of a simple oral message.
  • To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of a text of general interest.
  • To express a message orally.
  • To write and revise a text.



Course description:

This course teaches students to recognize, from a historical perspective, the fundamental characteristics of Western civilization. Course topics include the origins and development of Western civilization, documents used in the history of Western civilization (archival document, map, chart, treaty, notarial act, etc.), events, eras, and key figures in relation to the development of Western civilization, and various viewpoints as they relate to specific historical events.

350-100-TV Introduction to Psychology

Course description:

In this class, students will obtain the competency to explain the foundations of human behavior and mental processes by demonstrating the contribution of psychology to the understanding of human beings, distinguishing the main perspectives, the main schools of thought and their proponents, and the methodology used in the field of psychology. This course will also enable students to describe the biological, cognitive, and affective processes that underlie human behavior, to demonstrate the adaptation process of individuals to their environment, and to interpret various patterns of human behavior using concepts and theories related to the field of psychology.

401-101-TV Introduction to Business

Course description:

In this course, students will learn to identify the contribution of knowledge related to social science disciplines, which relate to the understanding of human phenomena. To attain this, students will understand the development of the body of knowledge being studied, know and understand the main facts, notions, concepts, theories, methods, and other key components of this body of knowledge and demonstrate the relevance and scope of these components in the understanding of the human phenomena.

Students will be evaluated on the satisfactory explanation of the contribution of this body of knowledge to the understanding of a given situation, problem or question, demonstrate the understanding of the theoretical components of this body of knowledge and, where applicable, of another component deemed essential to it. Students will also have to be able to procure an accurate appraisal of the contribution of this body of knowledge.


Course description:

This course will familiarize students with the application of the methods of calculus to the study of functional models in the field of Social Science. To attain this goal, students will learn to situate the historical context of the development of Calculus I, recognize and describe the characteristics of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions expressed in symbolic or graphic form, analyze the behavior of a function represented in symbolic or graphic form using an intuitive approach to the concept of limits and define the derivative of a function, to interpret it and apply derivative techniques.

Students will also have to analyze the variations of a function using Calculus I and solve optimization and rate of change problems. This course also ties into identifying concrete situations that lend themselves to study, using concepts applicable to these situations, and using a strategy appropriate to the study of these situations, an objective researched at large by the program.

Session 2



Description du cours :

Expliquer les représentations du monde contenues dans des textes littéraires d’époques et de genres variés.

Éléments de la compétence :

  • Reconnaître le traitement d’un thème dans un texte.
  • Situer le texte dans son contexte culturel et sociohistorique.
  • Dégager les rapports entre le réel, le langage et l’imaginaire.
  • Élaborer un plan de dissertation.
  • Rédiger une dissertation explicative.
  • Réviser et corriger le texte.



Description du cours :

Analyser sa pratique de l’activité physique au regard des habitudes de vie favorisant la santé.

Éléments de la compétence :

  • Établir la relation entre ses habitudes de vie et sa santé.
  • Pratiquer l’activité physique selon une approche favorisant la santé.
  • Reconnaître ses besoins, ses capacités et ses facteurs de motivation liés à la pratique régulière et suffisante de l’activité physique.
  • Proposer des activités physiques favorisant sa santé.

Course Description:

Coming soon.


Course description:

The aim of this class is to ensure that students are able to:

  • Explain the characteristics of the scientific approach used in the social sciences
  • Identify a research problem
  • Select a research method and technique that correspond to the problem identified
  • Produce a data collection instrument based on the research method and technique selected
  • Analyze the data collected
  • Interpret the research results.

To demonstrate that the student has achieved the different elements in the course, they will be evaluated on the brief explanation of the characteristics of the scientific approach used in the social sciences, the justification of the research method and technique selected, the production of a data collection tool adapted to the problem identified, the satisfactory entry and processing of the data collected and the coherent interpretation of the results as they relate to the problem identified.

401-301-TV Marketing

Course description:

Coming soon!

383-100-TV Macroeconomics

Course description:

This course explains the economic foundations of society, which leads them to identify the specific contribution of economics to the understanding of the social organization and to provide a general explanation of the functioning of a mixed-market economy and a free-market economy.

Students will also be required to identify the major schools of thought in the field of economics, measure and interpret economic activity based on the main economic indicators, as part of the overall economic climate, explain economic policies using a model of macroeconomic activity and establish links between economic theory and the current economic situation.


Course description:

In this course, students will identify concrete situations that lend themselves to study, use concepts applicable to these situations and use a strategy appropriate to the study of these situations. This course will attain these elements through an introduction to accounting comprising of, but not limited to, financial statements, accounting for transactions, income statements, turnover, and salaries.

Session 3



Description du cours :

Apprécier des textes de la littérature québécoise d’époques et de genres variés.

Éléments de la compétence :

  • Reconnaître le traitement d’un thème dans un texte.
  • Situer le texte dans son contexte culturel et sociohistorique.
  • Dégager les rapports entre le réel, le langage et l’imaginaire.
  • Élaborer un plan de dissertation.
  • Rédiger une dissertation explicative.
  • Réviser et corriger le texte.



Description du cours :

Améliorer son efficacité lors de la pratique d’une activité physique.

Éléments de la compétence :

  • Planifier une démarche conduisant à l’amélioration de son efficacité dans la pratique d’une activité physique.
  • Appliquer une démarche conduisant à l’amélioration de son efficacité dans la pratique d’une activité physique.


340-102-MQ - L’ÊTRE HUMAIN

Description du cours :

Discuter des conceptions philosophiques de l’être humain.

Éléments de la compétence :

  • Caractériser quelques conceptions philosophiques modernes et contemporaines de l’être humain.
  • Situer les conceptions examinées dans leur contexte et dans les courants de pensée correspondants.
  • Comparer des conceptions philosophiques de l’être humain à propos de problèmes actuels ou de thèmes communs.



Description du cours :

Un cours au choix qui complète votre programme d’études.

360-100-TV Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences

Course description:

Through the acquisition of basic statistical knowledge, at the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Situate the analysis of data, and more specifically its interpretation, within the scientific approach used in the social sciences
  • Present data in satisfactory forms
  • Analyze data using various forms of measurement
  • Determine the nature and intensity of the link between the variables
  • Estimate the parameters of a given population based on the corresponding statistics obtained from a sample.

To demonstrate that students have achieved the different elements in the course, they will be evaluated on:

  • The accurate use of appropriate concepts and vocabulary taught in the course
  • The correct use and interpretation of measures of central tendency, dispersion and position, rated, proportions, percentage indices and rations, and of measures of temporal variation
  • The plausible identification of the sampling method used based on an observed sample of the target population
  • The interval estimation of averages and proportions in a given population, taking confidence levels into account
  • The formal verification of the presence of a statistical link between two variables using the chi-square test of independence
  • Determination of the strength of the relationship using an appropriate coefficient
  • The identification of the presence of a linear relationship between two variables using a scatter plot the linear correlation coefficient and a description of the relationship based on the regression line.


350-300-TV Psychology in Business

Course description:

In this course, students will be familiarized with the usage of the social science discipline to understand the human phenomena in concrete situations. In this course, students will identify concrete situations that lend themselves to study, use concepts applicable to these situations and use a strategy appropriate to the study of these situations. This course will approach these objectives through concrete situations pertaining to the domain of interpersonal relations and communication. Students will therefore study interpersonal conflicts and exchanges in groups as well as relationships of power and rhetoric.

201-100-TV Linear Algebra

Course description:

This course will allow students to apply methods of Linear Algebra to the study of various phenomena of human activity in the context of the social sciences. As such, students will have to be able to situate the historical context of the development of Linear Algebra, use matrices to solve concrete problems, apply different methods of solving systems of linear equations, use vector operations to solve concrete problems, and establish connections between vector geometry and linear algebra. 

Students will also be required to apply the methods of Linear Algebra to the study of line and plane geometry and solve optimization problems using methods of solving systems of linear inequations with two or more variables. This course will also complement the student’s ability to thoroughly analyze a human phenomenon, an ability touched upon later in Management.

Session 4



Description du cours :

Bientôt disponible


Description du cours :

Démontrer sa capacité à prendre en charge sa pratique de l’activité physique dans une perspective de santé.

Éléments de la compétence :

  • Planifier un programme personnel d’activités physiques.
  • Harmoniser les éléments d’une pratique régulière et suffisante de l’activité physique dans une approche favorisant la santé.
  • Gérer un programme personnel d’activités physiques.

Description du cours :

Bientôt disponible


Description du cours :

Un cours au choix qui complète votre programme d’études.


Course description:

At the end of this course, students will be able to apply advanced statistical tools, based on the probability theory, to decision-making in the context of study in the field of social sciences. As such, students will have the skills required to correctly incorporate the concepts of probability in the decision-making process, to correctly use the various probability distributions in the decision-making process, to standardize data, to estimate an average in a given population using confidence intervals, small samples and taking confidence levels into account and to perform the most appropriate test of hypothesis. This course also ties into identifying concrete situations that lend themselves to study, using concepts applicable to these situations, and using a strategy appropriate to the study of these situations, an objective researched at large by the program.


Course description:

At the end of this course, students will have the acquired skills that are necessary to apply methods of Calculus II to the study of functional models in the field of Social Science. As such, students will be able to:

  • Situate the historical context of the development of Calculus II
  • Find the indefinite integral of a function using integration techniques
  • Calculate the definite integral of a function on an interval and provide its interpretation
  • Calculate the limits of a function with indeterminate forms using l’Hopital’s rule
  • Calculate the improper integral of a function on an interval and provide its interpretation
  • Analyze a phenomenon using differential equations with separable variables
  • Analyze a phenomenon by checking for convergence of a series


300-410-TV Integration Project

Course description:

This synthesis course in the Social Science program is essential for the obtainment of the DEC diploma. Students in the course will:

  • Recall significant learning achievements from the program
  • Apply their learning in new situations
  • Produce a final output
  • Regularly evaluate their learning approach
  • Evaluate their final output

To demonstrate that students have achieved the different elements in the program, they will be evaluated on the appropriate application of at least two disciplines within the social sciences, the efficient use of appropriate information technologies, the clear, correct oral and written communication in the language instruction, the recognition of the general meaning and essential ideas of a message conveyed in the second language and the critical evaluation of their learning approach.

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